Sunday, January 22, 2023

They Knew

Sarah Kendzior eviscerates U.S. establishment institutions that have failed the public and serve a transnational criminal elite composed of government, business and big media. These bad actors, using an ingenious strategy of creating wild conspiracies that contain a grain of truth, divert attention from the actual dirty dealings that are rotting American democracy. One party is obviously worse, but both are complicit in this culture of impunity. As an example of how this book has opened my eyes like no other in recent memory, I compared the reaction of an establishment type (Michael Bechloss) to the appointment of Jeff Zients as Biden's chief of staff (great choice), to the actual record of Zients as an incompetent COVID czar with a business background that includes demonstrated fraud in medical billing. To think that institutional and establishment players have the public's interest in mind was always, I thought, silly, but Kendzior's dead-serious and sharply written account turns that feeling into grave fear.

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