Friday, December 23, 2022

The Lemon

This novel by the collective author S.E. Boyd is easily the worst book I read in 2022. I have lost count of the number of novels blurbed to be "hilarious," "a laugh on every page," or "gut-busting" that turn out to be witless and humorless. The issue is almost always that the characters have not been developed sufficiently to make any humor attached to them believable. Instead, there are absurd generic gags that don't match the characterizations (which, as I said, are thin at best anyway). The plot is beyond stupid, and as I read this I wondered what was going on: Why was this published? Then in the acknowledgments the authors gave the game away by thanking someone for securing the television rights. This was a purely commercial venture from the start, surely the worst possible way to write a novel (Faulkner and Sanctuary excepted, if you believe him).

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