Thursday, March 11, 2010

The Borzoi 1925

This record of Alfred A. Knopf's first 10 years as a publisher includes essays by and about his writers, with a bibliography of Borzoi titles. It is a snapshot from which most of the faces, 85 years later, have faded. A few still stand out (Mencken, Mann, Lawrence, Gibran, Cather) but there are many more whose books are, deservedly or not, obscure. I bought a copy of Ladislas Reymont's four-volume The Peasants based on the essay here, and will keep watch for other authors and titles, like Louis Golding (Day of Atonement), Nicholas Bessaraboff (Tertium Organum), David Garrett (Lady Into Fox), Brett Young (The Dark Tower), Thomas Beer (Sandoval), plus anything by the superlatively named and, to judge by the photograph, beautiful Storm Jameson.

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